How To Reclaim Your Lost Dog From Us
- You will need to provide PROOF OF RABIES VACCINATION and LICENSE. We only accept the paper rabies certificate and not the collar tag as proof. The rabies certificate will include the date of vaccination, veterinarian information, and tag number. If you are unable to provide this form, or if the pet’s vaccination is not current, the dog warden will be contacted to insure that this is done.
- You will need to provide a PHOTO ID showing your current address. If your ID is not current, ALSO bring additional proof of YOUR CORRECT ADDRESS on checks, your lease, cable or utility bill, etc.
- The pet owner is the only person that can reclaim their animal. We CANNOT reclaim to a neighbor, relative, or co-worker without signed permission and a copy of the animal owner’s PHOTO ID and current address information.
- Some animals may not be available for reclaim due to a ‘Hold’ notice placed by Humane Officer, Cruelty Officer, or Dog Warden. This may be the result of multiple violations, aggression or cruelty concerns, or other issues. The pet will be held until investigations are completed.
- All citations and fees must be paid before the pet can be reclaimed.
- Mommy & me Rescue accepts cash or local checks, Paypal and Venmo. NO credit/debit cards.
- Reclaim fees may vary depending on reason for impound and length of stay. Service representatives will go over your options when you come in to reclaim your pet.Generally, there is no fee unless the dog had to receive vet care or is with us an extended period.
***Checks cannot be accepted from parties that are not present at the time of reclaim to show their PHOTO ID.
Each reclaim process is unique and may take different lengths of time to complete. Thank you in advance for your patience.
** Please note: We are NOT Humane Officers, Cruelty Officers, or the Dog Warden. We do NOT make decisions regarding citations.
We do however work closely with them and we abide by any decision that they make.