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Hello Everyone! My name is “Lucky the Rescued Mutt.” Everyone calls me Lucky because I was so very lucky that the wonderful people at Mommy & Me rescued me after I was no longer wanted by my family. My life has not been an easy one but I am not looking to be pitied. I am looking for guidance, leadership and to learn. If you want to adopt me, I’m sure you will want to make my transition into your home easier. Below are a few items to facilitate our transition and get me on track to being your faithful companion.
Welcoming Me into Your Home
1. The first few days I am in your home please do not invite people over to meet me. This is our bonding time and time for me to relax and become familiar with my new environment and to get to know you and our family. After about a week I will be ready to expand my boundaries.
2. You should be careful not to overwhelm me in the very beginning. NO HUGGING PLEASE because I won’t understand what you are doing and it may frighten me.
3. Most dogs like toys! However, prior to being rescued I never had a toy so just one or two to start please. If there are too many, I may feel the need to begin guarding them since I’m only trying to protect my stuff! Possibly an Elk Antler or a Nylabone would be good choices and maybe one soft stuffie to begin.

1. Believe it or not I was not fed regularly and much of that was not healthy so feeding me a good kibble will be appreciated and is essential.
2. Here is an idea to help you gain my respect and help me to recognize you as the Food Provider. During the first two weeks I am with you, DO run your hands thru my food as soon as you fill the bowl BUT BEFORE you place it for me to eat. By doing this, you are putting your scent on my food. PLEASE do not ever place your hands in my food while I am eating. It can create problems that do not need to exist.
3. It is best for me to eat 2 times a day although 3 times would be okay too. Please do not feed me once a day or allow food to lay around so that I can eat whenever I want to. I don’t want to be a grazer and become lazy, unmotivated or untrainable. It’s not healthy for me physically or from a behavioral stand point.

1. Now that you know about feeding me, I would like you to know how important it is for me to exercise. Taking me for walks will help me and you to relax and also will help me to learn about my new area gradually. Did you know that walking is the single most important factor in my bonding with you and your family? Walking me is the most important thing you can do with me from a behavioral perspective.
2. If I become frightened on my walk, it’s probably because of something new that I don’t understand. All you have to do is to be calm and walk on by and I will begin to accept and understand the new things more easily. Please avoid saying “It’s Okay” as I have no center of speech and language and I may think that you are frightened also.
1. Did you know that not everyone takes their dog to training class? They must think we are not very smart but they are very wrong! I am here to tell you that I am smart, and training that uses Positive Reinforcement will help me become even smarter. I have friends who are in Agility Classes and even Scent Training Classes. Training class is not only fun for both of us, but will help me to thrive.
2. YOU are the most important factor in my development so please try to remember a few key rules. First, there is no need to yell at me. Second, please never ever hit me and when you do have to correct me, do not use my name. DO use short commands as they will help me to learn more quickly. Without a Center of Speech and Language in my brain, I will only learn the words that you teach me.

Catching some ZZZ’s? (Sleeping or Just Plain Laying Down)
1. One of the most important things you need to know is that before you adopted me I slept alone and was isolated. I have never been touched when I was laying down. If I am lying down sleeping, no one should ever try to wake me by touching. It will terrify me! If you want to wake me, call my name and I will rise and shine. Teaching everyone to respect my boundaries and ignore me when I am lying down is very important to all of us.
My Thoughts on Other Dogs.
1. If you already have another pup, allow him/her to be part of my adoption process. Dogs enjoy helping to pick new friends just as people do.
2. I’d like to bond with some other dogs BUT…..please don’t put us face-to-face on a leash because I might misread the signals and believe I am being challenged to fight. Instead, let’s just go for a walk together and meet up later in my new friend’s home or property. Just as walking together will help you and I bond, it will also help me to bond with another dog.
Although you have the basic guidelines to help my development, sometimes even with the best intentions something can go wrong. Every now and then something happens that we didn’t anticipate. Should this occur, please call Doggy 911 and ask for Bob Witmer as he will help to explain what I need or how I am perceiving things. His number is 570-556-0720 or you can contact him on Facebook at Doggy 911. https://www.facebook.com/Doggy-911-222670034439871
I am looking forward to a long, happy and fun life together. THANK YOU for adopting me!
Used with permission of Doggy 911.